Friday, 25 May 2012

Future of the Our Universe.

After the Big-Bang, Our Universe is expanding continuously at a rate equal to Hubble Constant. Physicists and Cosmologists are continuously observing this expansion to predict the future of Our Universe but further advances are required in fundamental physics before it will be possible to know the ultimate fate of Universe.Our Universe contains 73% of Dark energy, 4% of Atoms and 23% of Dark matter. However, Scientists are agree that this fate will depend on three things:

1. On Universe Overall Shape or Geometry.
2. On how much Dark Energy (An invisible and hypothetical form of energy with   repulsive gravity that permeates all of space and responsible for the expansion of the universe )it contains.
3. On the Equation Of State.      
Based on the prediction, Our Universe will have any of the following states :


If the shape of the Universe is closed like sphere and Universe lacks the repulsive force of Dark Energy, then after a region of hundred of billion years, Gravity attraction force will overcome the Dark energy repulsive force giving birth to Contraction Of the Universe. This will continue until all the matter get converted into a final Singularity, a mirror image of Big-Bang Known as Big-Crunch.This model offers the possibility of an oscillating Universe between two states Known as Big-Bounce where Big-Crunch is succeeded by Big-Bang .  


If the shape of the Universe is open curved and the Dark Energy throwing into equation, then it will not only expand the universe but also accelerate it and development of the things will depend on the nature of Dark energy  which is unknown to us. After a time period of 35-50 billion years,the acceleration will increase without limit, it will overcome the Gravitational Force of attraction and Electromagnetic Force, then the Stars and Galaxies will literally torn apart into particle known as Big-Rip. 


The third and the most likely event to occur is Big-Freeze or Big-Chill or also known as Heath Death.This possibility is based on the current observations and knowledge. In this scenario, the Universe will expand continuously and gradually runs down to a state of Zero Thermodynamic free energy and the temperature will be Absolute Zero, where our Universe will become too clod to sustain life and there will be only Cold Dead Planets and Black Holes.


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Origin Of the Universe : Big Bang Theory

Origin Of the Universe is explained by Big Bang Theory. This Model is widely accepted by  most Cosmologists and Astrophysicists. This explains how the formation of Universe took place and how the Time, Space and Matter came into existence from energy.

According to Big Bang Theory :

1.    Around 13.7 billion years ago, Our Universe was infinitesimally       
       small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense known as Singularity.

2.   Singularities are the zones which exist at the core of Black Holes,
      area of intense Gravitational Pressure.At this pressure, matter of 
      Infinite density exist known as Singularity.

3.   Singularity did not appear in Space but Space began inside of the 
      singularity and prior to it , there was no Matter ,Time and Space.

4.   After the existence of Singularity, they started to expand like a very  
      small balloon starts its expansion but no Explosion took place for 
      this Expansion. 

5.   After its initial Expansion, Universe cooled sufficiently which in 
      turn convert the energy into Subatomic Particle like Protons, 
      Electrons and Neutrons.

6.   Protons and Neutrons combined to form the Nuclei of the Atom 
      after few minutes of Big-Bang but Electrons took thousand of years  
      to form an electrically neutral Atom,Atoms were formed by nuclei 
      linking up with free electrons.   

7.   The very first Atom was of Hydrogen along with traces of Helium 
      and Lithium,but the early Universe was dominated by the radiation  
      of Electromagnetic (EM) waves.

8.   It took  200 million years for the Galaxies and Stars to be formed 
     out of pockets of gas Condensing due to gravity present there. 

9.   The Sun of our Universe formed in the same way in the Galaxy 
      known as Milky way and the vast disk of gas and debris swirling 
      around the early Sun gave birth to the planets, including Earth, 
      which is between 4.6 and 4.5 billion years old.

10.  After the formation of million of Galaxies and stars, our Universe 
       is still expanding like balloon according to the Edwin Hubble's law 
       which states that the Doppler velocity of galaxies receding from 
       Earth is proportional to the distance from Earth.